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  • Based on the job evaluation and information collected, Korn Ferry (KF) Consultants presented an initial proposal on the grading structure of benchmarked roles to GPS Steering Committee as well as other relevant committees for feedback.​
  • KF Consultants will further make recommendations on pay structure and reward mechanisms based on the benchmarking study findings and best practices in the market​.
  • With the professional recommendations from the KF Consultants, the University will consider the best approach for GPS with a view to maintaining financial sustainability and to enhancing the competitiveness for talent acquisition and staff retention. ​
  • Staff engagement (through updating this page and reviewing feedback collected here from, as well as the KF Consultant/Project Team’s briefing, etc.), will continue in Q4 2024 and Q1 2025 so that views of stakeholders can be taken fully into account in the decision-making process.​